Energy Tellers, the series of podcasts to get a better understanding of the energy transition

Energy Tellers, the series of podcasts to get a better understanding of the energy transition

To shed light on the challenges of the energy transition, Teréga is launching Energy Teller podcasts that give a voice to those who are thinking today about tomorrow’s energies. During the episodes, the journalist Jean-Baptiste Giraud asks economic, political or scientific stakeholders about their vision of the future of energy and what is needed to implement an efficient energy transition.

The concept of Energy Tellers

Hosted by Jean-Baptiste Giraud, an economic journalist and RTL columnist, the Energy Tellers podcast series invites business leaders, scientists, institutions, and journalists to explore what tomorrow’s energy will be. The podcast’s ambition is to inform the much-needed debate about the energy transition, to get the entire community to think about it and to identify the best solutions.

Each episode of Energy Tellers is introduced by Dominique Mockly, Teréga’s Chairman and Managing Director. In this first podcast, he is the first person to talk into Jean-Baptiste Giraud’s microphone to explain what the Energy Tellers series hopes to achieve: to get all those who tomorrow will be engaged in the energy transition to enter the debate.

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Find all the episodes of Energy Tellers

Energy Tellers #9: Alain Picard, President and CEO CAF

In this new episode of Energy Tellers, Jean-Baptiste Giraud asks Alain Picard to speak about CAF’s commitment to developing more efficient and environmentally friendly public transportation.

This exchange will be an opportunity to discuss one of the main challenges of the energy transition, constructing greater sustainable mobility.

Energy Tellers #8: Michael Trabbia, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Orange

Faced with the dual challenge of digital and energy transitions, Jean-Baptiste Giraud welcomes Michaël Trabbia, a digital expert in charge of strengthening the data and artificial intelligence of the Orange group.

Today, he sheds light on how digital uses can be used to promote environmental excellence.

Energy Tellers #7: François Asselin, President of the CPME

Jean-Baptiste Giraud gives the floor to François Asselin, who chairs the employers’ organisation for small and medium-sized enterprises, the true voice of French SMEs and MSBs. He will be sharing with us his vision of the challenges of energy transition for companies.

Energy Tellers #6: Anne-Sophie Grouchka, Chief Operating Officer of Allianz France

While the insurance sector is the privileged witness of the financial impact of climate change, Anne-Sophie Grouchka honours us by taking part in this episode of Energy Tellers with Jean-Baptiste Giraud.

In particular, she will explain the challenges facing insurers and their key role in the energy transition.

Energy Tellers #5: Thierry Beaudet, President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC)

While the energy transition generates real job opportunities and leads to a reinvention of professions, Jean-Baptiste Giraud gives the floor to Thierry Beaudet, specialist in social issues and a personality who has been committed to social dialogue for years. He shares with us his taste for debate and the promotion of citizen participation.

Energy Tellers #4: Fabrice Le Saché, Founding President of Aera Groupe and Vice-President of MEDEF

In this new episode of Energy Tellers, Jean-Baptiste Giraud speaks with Fabrice Le Saché who shares with us his vision as a leading actor and observer of energy transition challenges for companies, particularly in the construction industry.

Episode #3: Ludovic Le Moan, co-founder and former CEO of Sigfox

Jean-Baptiste Giraud invites Ludovic Le Moan, who shares a strong conviction with Teréga: digital technology is indispensable for the energy transition. He is one of the entrepreneurs who are building a more sustainable future with digital technology, in particular IoT and the 0G grid, which allows small messages to be transmitted as a radio signal via long-range, low-power infrastructure.

Episode #2: Pierre Gattaz, President of Business Europe

Pierre Gattaz is invited to share his vision of the energy of tomorrow. Close to the everyday concerns of entrepreneurs, a figure committed to the industrial development of the territories, he is a reference for discussing the economic opportunities of the energy transition.

Episode #1: Nicolas Petrovic, Chairman of the Siemens France Group

In this first episode, Jean-Baptiste Giraud receives Nicolas Petrovic, a committed industrialist who, at the head of Siemens, deploys innovative solutions for the energy transition, particularly in the hydrogen field. He thus shows us that the energy transition and industry must advance hand in hand, and that the first will not happen without the second.