Gas transportIMPULSE 2025

2019 - 2025

Initiated in 2019, the IMPULSE 2025 project (from the French for “Innovate and Mobilise to Unify Energy Systems”) is aimed at deploying a smart multi-energy system. Through this project, Teréga hopes to recover lost energy for appropriate use at the right time for the consumer in a circular economy approach.


  • To optimise and share multiple energy sources, to direct them to new users.
  • To reduce energy wastage by storing losses for use at a later date, or transforming them into an energy source that is more popular or more efficient in use.
  • To manage the different energy sources in the optimal way to reduce environmental impact.


  • September 2019: Start of studies following signing of the partnership agreement with EPFL and UPPA

  • Autumn 2020 to mid-2022: Project phase 1 -> Definition of the multi-energy system design

  • Mid-2022 - end 2024: Project phase 2 => Studies / Demonstrator construction

  • End 2024 IMPULSE 2025 commissioning

Project contact

Philippe Etcheverry

Project news