Gas transportSOLIDIA

2018 - 2022

The SOLIDIA platform is aimed at hosting semi-industrial pilot plants studying the purification of biogases and the production of synthetic gases through methanation. Teréga, known for its expertise in the construction and operation of gas infrastructures, is involved in creating the infrastructure alongside the INSA (French National Institute of Applied Sciences).
The SOLIDIA platform will be operated by the INSA in Toulouse, and will host a variety of semi-industrial projects such as the DEMETHA (biological methanation) and METHAMAG (catalytic methanation) and EPUROGAZ (biogas purification).

Located close to the Cler Verts site (biogas production from household waste), the SOLIDIA platform will be connected to an untreated biogas supply (60% methane and 40% CO2).

This project is being supported by the Occitanie region.
See the SOLIDIA project leaflet.


  • Creation of a biogas platform
  • Recovery of biogas and hydrogen through pilot plants


  • October 2018 - April 2019: conceptual studies

  • October 2019 - 2022: works undertaken

  • Fall 2022: platform commissioning

Project news