Espace pédagogique

What is the role of the national energy mediator?

Set up in 2006, the national energy mediator is an independent public authority with two main missions.

Its first mission is to inform consumers about how the energy market works, and their rights. It does this work through the “énergie-info” service, available over the telephone or internet.

Its second mission is to help them find an amicable resolution to disputes with companies in the energy sector (overcharging, excessive connection times, poor estimation of energy consumption, problems with oil deliveries etc.). The national energy mediator’s services are completely free of charge, and certain rules must be followed:

  1. The consumer must first have sent a written complaint to their energy supplier.

  2. If they do not receive a reply within 2 months, or if the reply is deemed unsatisfactory, they can turn to the national energy mediator.

The national energy mediator also raises awareness among energy suppliers and gas and electricity distribution grid managers, so they can make their practices more transparent, fairer and more considerate of the consumer.

Finally, it formulates proposals which are put to the public authorities to improve the rules governing practices and the consumer code, with the aim of protecting users.

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